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Atlantic Virtual LinkUp: How do we drive innovative implementations throughout the Atlantic Region?

  • April 03, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (ADT)
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed

Leading innovation programs in healthcare feature defined processes and frameworks that ensure all stakeholders are working in alignment to deliver successful results.

This virtual LinkUp will discuss innovation governance and structured approaches to managing innovation in healthcare. It will feature examples, clinical/technical/business requirements, success stories, and lessons learned to implement innovative and successful programs in healthcare settings.

Discussion topics:

  1. What successes have you encountered in implementing an innovation program in your organization/sector? What are the major challenges you are now trying to solve?
  2. What stakeholders (ex: healthcare delivery, research, vendors, entrepreneurs, incubator/accelerators, and more) are involved in your innovation program? How do you define roles and responsibilities for a broad set of stakeholders within your innovation program?
  3. What are the results you are pursing? How do you measure success?
  4. How do you identify and manage risk in your innovation program?
  5. How are your managers, executives, board members engaged in decision making (ex: project selection, partnerships, investment, scaling, etc) throughout the process? What communication strategies are employed to share information as part of your innovation program?

Moderated by:

Jamey Martell, Senior Director at Nova Scotia Health Authorities

Add your voice to this important conversation. Take a seat at the table and connect with other Digital Health Canada members in your region to network, exchange ideas, and collaborate on solutions. LinkUps are a valuable benefit for all members: doctors and nurses, health informatics students, hospital staff, IT staff, management, and team leads. Join us!

Please note this LinkUp starts at 12PM Atlantic Time

LinkUps create a space for small groups to take a break, re-connect, and share stories, challenges, and experiences with peers in an online setting. The small-group setting gives everyone an opportunity to be heard and join the conversation. Complimentary registration is limited; register today to confirm your spot!

LinkUp attendance is one of the benefits of Digital Health Canada Membership. Not a member yet? Join Digital Health Canada to enjoy LinkUps and other benefits of membership.


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